NAC555.700. Application of restricted-use pesticides by licensed primary principal commercial applicators, nonprimary principal commercial applicators and private applicators.

Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise provided in this chapter or as specifically authorized in writing by the Director, any licensed primary principal commercial applicator, nonprimary principal commercial applicator or private applicator applying or supervising the application of restricted-use pesticides shall, in addition to the provisions of subsections 2 to 9, inclusive, of NAC 555.400:

         1. Keep and maintain an accurate and legible record of each property treated for 2 years, showing the following:

         (a) Date of treatment;

         (b) First and last name of the nonprimary principal commercial applicator or private applicator applying or supervising the application of the restricted-use pesticide;

         (c) Address of property treated;

         (d) Brand name or generic name and Environmental Protection Agency registration number of the pesticide applied;

         (e) Use information:

              (1) Item or site treated; and

              (2) Amount of diluted material used and the concentration of the pesticide that was applied or the amount of undiluted material used; and

         (f) In addition to the requirements of paragraphs (a) to (e), inclusive, if the treatment is conducted in the nonprimary principal commercial categories agricultural pest control plant, chemigation, greenhouse and nursery pest control, aquatic pest control, forest pest control, fumigation pest control, ornamental and turf pest control, right-of-way pest control or mosquito control, or in the private categories agricultural pest control plant, chemigation, greenhouse and nursery pest control, aquatic pest control, forest pest control, fumigation pest control or ornamental and turf pest control:

              (1) Temperature at the start and finish of treatment.

              (2) Wind velocity and direction at the start and finish of treatment.

              (3) Number of units treated, area of surface treated or volume fumigated.

              (4) The purpose for which the pesticide was applied.

              (5) The time the treatment was started and the time the treatment was finished.

         2. Report immediately to the Director any emergency dump of a pesticide by an aircraft, any accident of a pesticide-loaded aircraft or ground equipment involving the spillage of a pesticide, or the accidental spillage of a pesticide at any site of operations of pesticides.

         3. Report to the Director within 48 hours any case of apparent pesticide poisoning requiring medical treatment.

         4. Have contact with any applicator under his or her direct supervision at least once every hour at night and at least once every 2 hours during daylight hours.

     [Dep’t of Agriculture, No. 55.57, eff. 1-17-77]—(NAC A by R033-01, 5-1-2002; R147-03, 1-22-2004; R062-10, 1-13-2011)