NAC353B.500. Fees.  

Latest version.
  • A contract may require the purchaser to pay:

         1. For a change in:

         (a) The amount, time or method of payment;

         (b) The contractual plan;

         (c) The identity of the purchaser; or

         (d) The designation of the qualified beneficiary,

    Ê a fee of $20.

         2. For the replacement of any lost or destroyed documents, a fee of $7.

         3. For the payment of tuition to an eligible educational institution other than a state community college, state college or state university, a fee of $25 for the first quarter or semester for which tuition is paid. The fee of $25 must be paid each time a beneficiary transfers to a new eligible educational institution other than a state community college, state college or state university.

     (Added to NAC by Bd. of Trustees for Higher Educ. Tuition Trust Fund by R009-99, eff. 11-3-99; A by Bd. of Trustees of College Savings Plans of Nev. by R150-03, 8-25-2004; R055-09, 10-27-2009)