NAC395.140. Annual assessment and report of progress; visit by staff member; license of residence or school required.  

Latest version.
  •      1. Each county school district shall, at least annually, determine the progress of each person with a disability from the school district who has received placement pursuant to chapter 395 of NRS. The school district shall:

         (a) Review, at least annually and in accordance with subsection 3 of NAC 395.030, the individualized educational program for the person;

         (b) Examine his report cards and other reports of his progress; and

         (c) Submit an annual report concerning his progress to the Department of Education.

         2. Staff members of the Department or county school district shall, to review the educational program and placement of such persons with disabilities, conduct a visit at least annually to each place of residence or education in which a person with a disability from the district has been assigned for special education and shall submit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction a report of the visit. The Superintendent shall send a copy of the report to the school district of the person with a disability and to the person’s parents, parent or guardian.

         3. No person with a disability will be placed in a residence or school which does not maintain appropriate licenses from the state in which it is located.

     [Bd. of Education, Handicapped Persons § 17, eff. 2-12-81]—(NAC A 3-14-96)