NAC445B.3441. Administrative revision of permit to incorporate conditions of certain permits to construct.  

Latest version.
  •      1. To modify a Class I stationary source in accordance with subsection 5 of NAC 445B.3361, the owner or operator of the Class I stationary source must submit an application for an administrative revision to a Class I operating permit to incorporate the conditions of a Class I operating permit to construct into the existing Class I operating permit for the Class I stationary source.

         2. The Director shall issue a revised Class I operating permit or deny the application for an administrative revision to a Class I operating permit within the timelines established for processing an application for a Class I operating permit to construct as specified in NAC 445B.3364.

         3. An application for an administrative revision to a Class I operating permit must comply with the requirements for an application for a Class I operating permit set forth in NAC 445B.295, 445B.297 and 445B.3368, and the requirements relating to public participation and comment and a review by any affected states and the Administrator pursuant to NAC 445B.3395.

         4. An application for an administrative revision to a Class I operating permit must be accompanied by the appropriate fee set forth in NAC 445B.327.

     (Added to NAC by Environmental Comm’n by R125-04, eff. 9-24-2004; A by R139-06, 9-18-2006)