NAC446.050. Safety of food for consumption; use of food from private home; labeling of certain food.  

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  •      1. All food must be free from spoilage, filth, adulteration, misbranding and contamination and must be safe for human consumption.

         2. Food must be protected from contamination and spoilage while it is being handled, packaged, stored, displayed, dispensed and transported.

         3. Food must be protected from cross-contamination between foods, equipment, utensils or other surfaces which may come into contact with food and from contamination by insects, insecticides, rodents, rodenticides, probe price markers or probe identification markers.

         4. No food prepared or stored in a private home may be used, stored, served, offered for sale, sold, given away or offered to the public in a food establishment.

         5. Prepackaged sandwiches made for sale and consumption off the premises must have a label that has been approved by the health authority. The label must include:

         (a) The name of the food establishment;

         (b) The mailing address of the food establishment, including:

              (1) The number of the street or post office box;

              (2) The city;

              (3) The state; and

              (4) The zip code;

         (c) A list of ingredients in descending order of predominance; and

         (d) The last date of sale shown clearly as the three letters of the month followed by the date. Frozen sandwiches that have been thawed must also be dated to indicate the last date of sale.

         6. Food that is prepared and stored in a food establishment for later use must have a label that includes the contents and the date on which the food was prepared.

         7. Packages of food, including packages of food repackaged from bulk that was prepared in this State, that are for sale in a food establishment must have a label which has been approved by the health authority.

     [Bd. of Health, Food Establishments Reg. Art. 2 § 2.1 subsecs. 2.1.1 & 2.1.2, eff. 9-17-82]—(NAC A 10-14-88; 9-16-92; 5-23-96)