NAC 293.010. Definitions.
NAC 293.023. Applicability of chapter.
NAC 293.025. Submission of complaint concerning violation of provision of title 24 of NRS.
NAC 293.040. Notice of judicial, statewide and multicounty district offices to be filled.
NAC 293.060. Designation of offices of justice of Supreme Court.
NAC 293.071. Publication of constitutional amendments and statewide measures: Request for payment of costs.
NAC 293.073. Determination by Secretary of State of names and abbreviations of political parties authorized to appear on ballot.
NAC 293.077. Major and minor political parties: Use of name on ballot, sample ballot or application to register to vote.
NAC 293.081. Change of manner in which name of candidate appears on ballot.
NAC 293.090. Format for ballot questions; preparation and distribution of certain information and forms in minority language.
NAC 293.120. Sample ballots: Primary elections.
NAC 293.130. Sample ballots: General elections.
NAC 293.135. Sample ballots: Omission of notice of availability of ballot in large type.
NAC 293.160. Conduct of voting.
NAC 293.173. Counting of votes cast by certain challenged voters.
NAC 293.177. Use of signature stamp by voter.
NAC 293.182. Requirements for individual documents of petitions other than initiative and referendum petitions.
NAC 293.1823. Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Form for submission of information to Secretary of State.
NAC 293.1825. Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Determination by Secretary of State of number required; duties of county clerk; completion of certificate.
NAC 293.1827. Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Request to remove signature does not necessarily invalidate signature.
NAC 293.183. Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Limitation of witnesses.
NAC 293.185. Verification of signatures on certain petitions: Discrepancy in address.
NAC 293.187. Provision of certain information to persons who are elderly or persons with disabilities: Alternative formats.
NAC 293.190. Provision of registration and voting aids; notice of availability of registration aids, voting aids and procedures for voting by absentee ballot.
NAC 293.200. Reimbursement for cost of ballots.