NAC 391.565. Definitions.
NAC 391.566. “Performance evaluation of school-level administrator” defined.
NAC 391.567. “Performance evaluation of teacher” defined.
NAC 391.568. “Performance evaluation rating” defined.
NAC 391.569. “School-level administrator” defined.
NAC 391.570. “Statewide performance evaluation system” defined.
NAC 391.571. Performance evaluation of school-level and probationary administrators: Required domains.
NAC 391.572. Performance evaluation of school-level administrator in domain of instructional leadership practices.
NAC 391.573. Performance evaluation of school-level administrator in domain of professional responsibilities.
NAC 391.574. Performance evaluation of teacher: Required domains.
NAC 391.575. Performance evaluation of teacher in domain of instructional practices.
NAC 391.576. Performance evaluation of teacher in domain of professional responsibilities.
NAC 391.577. Performance evaluations of school-level administrators in domains of instructional leadership practices and professional responsibilities and of teachers in domains of instructional practices and professional responsibilities to be measured upon certain data: Observations of performance; review of artifacts; self-assessment; setting goals.
NAC 391.578. Department to prescribe data used to measure performance of school-level administrators and teachers in domain of performance of pupils; authority to differentiate between teachers.
NAC 391.579. Evaluation tools for conducting performance evaluations; application for flexibility to use different evaluation tools.
NAC 391.580. Scoring matrix for performance evaluations of school-level administrators and teachers.