General Provisions
NAC 444.570. Definitions.
NAC 444.5701. “Active life” defined.
NAC 444.5702. “Administrator” defined.
NAC 444.5703. “Appendix I” defined.
NAC 444.57035. “Appendix II” defined.
NAC 444.5704. “Aquifer” defined.
NAC 444.57048. “Cell” defined.
NAC 444.5705. “Class I site” defined.
NAC 444.571. “Class II site” defined.
NAC 444.5715. “Class III site” defined.
NAC 444.572. “Composting” defined.
NAC 444.573. “Contaminant” defined.
NAC 444.5735. “Cross-media” defined.
NAC 444.574. “Disposal site” defined.
NAC 444.576. “Division” defined.
NAC 444.577. “Existing municipal solid waste landfill unit” defined.
NAC 444.578. “Garbage” defined.
NAC 444.5785. “Gas condensate” defined.
NAC 444.579. “Groundwater” defined.
NAC 444.580. “Hazardous waste” defined.
NAC 444.581. “Household waste” defined.
NAC 444.584. “Incinerator” defined.
NAC 444.585. “Industrial solid waste” defined.
NAC 444.587. “Lateral expansion” defined.
NAC 444.5875. “Leachate” defined.
NAC 444.588. “Lift” defined.
NAC 444.589. “Medical waste” defined.
NAC 444.591. “Municipal solid waste landfill unit” defined.
NAC 444.592. “Municipality” defined.
NAC 444.593. “New municipal solid waste landfill unit” defined.
NAC 444.594. “Nuisance” defined.
NAC 444.596. “Open burning” defined.
NAC 444.598. “Open dump” defined.
NAC 444.5985. “Operator” defined.
NAC 444.599. “Owner” defined.
NAC 444.600. “Pathological wastes” defined.
NAC 444.602. “Percolation” defined.
NAC 444.604. “Person” defined.
NAC 444.605. “Pollutant” defined.
NAC 444.6065. “Postclosure” defined.
NAC 444.607. “Public waste storage bin facility” defined.
NAC 444.608. “Putrescible” defined.
NAC 444.609. “Qualified groundwater scientist” defined.
NAC 444.610. “Refuse” defined.
NAC 444.612. “Rubbish” defined.
NAC 444.614. “Salvage yard” defined.
NAC 444.616. “Salvaging” defined.
NAC 444.620. “Scavenging” defined.
NAC 444.622. “Solid waste” defined.
NAC 444.624. “Solid waste management authority” defined.
NAC 444.626. “Solid waste management system” defined.
NAC 444.6265. “Surface impoundment” defined.
NAC 444.628. “Transfer station” defined.
NAC 444.629. “Uppermost aquifer” defined.
NAC 444.630. “Vector” defined.
NAC 444.631. “Waters of the State” defined.
NAC 444.634. Severability.
NAC 444.636. Adoption by reference of certain provisions of Code of Federal Regulations, United States Geological Survey and Environmental Protection Agency.
NAC 444.638. Interpretation of provisions.
NAC 444.639. Interrelation with other laws and regulations.
Provisions Applicable to Solid Waste Management Systems
NAC 444.640. Open burning; disposal of animal carcasses.
NAC 444.6405. Permit to operate disposal site: Requirement; exemptions; application.
NAC 444.641. Permit to operate disposal site: Evaluation of application; notice to applicant concerning completeness and compliance; notice of intent to issue or deny application; period for public comment.
NAC 444.6415. Permit to operate disposal site: Response to notice of intent to issue or deny application; request for public hearing; notice of public hearing.
NAC 444.6419. Permit to operate disposal site: Response by solid waste management authority to written comments concerning proposed issuance or denial of permit; publication of written comments.
NAC 444.6425. Permit to operate disposal site: Duties of solid waste management authority after period for public review; modification or placement of conditions based on public comments.
NAC 444.643. Permit to operate disposal site: Issuance; revocation or suspension; requirements for transfer to subsequent owner or operator.
NAC 444.6435. Permit to operate disposal site: Request for modification; conditions requiring public notice and review.
NAC 444.644. Systems for solid waste.
NAC 444.645. Program for quality assurance and control for construction of required liner system.
NAC 444.646. Disposal of special wastes: Sewage sludge, septic tank pumpings and medical wastes; coverage of burial area.
NAC 444.648. Disposal of special wastes: Waste tires.
NAC 444.650. Disposal of special wastes: Waste oils.
NAC 444.652. Disposal of special wastes: Construction and demolition wastes.
NAC 444.654. Disposal of special wastes: Septic tank pumpings and raw sewage.
NAC 444.656. Disposal of special wastes: Untreated sewage sludge.
NAC 444.658. Plans to manage solid waste.
NAC 444.660. Standards for storage, collection and transportation set by ordinances.
NAC 444.662. Storage of solid wastes before collection.
NAC 444.664. Collection and transportation of solid wastes.
NAC 444.666. Transfer stations: Design and operating plans.
NAC 444.6661. Transfer stations: Application to operate or modify.
NAC 444.6662. Transfer stations: Contents of report concerning design.
NAC 444.6663. Transfer stations: Requirements for operating plan.
NAC 444.6664. Transfer stations: Construction.
NAC 444.66645. Transfer stations: Handling and salvage of solid waste; maintenance of records; handling of asbestos; removal of remaining waste at final closure.
NAC 444.66647. Public waste storage bin facility: Notification of establishment; general requirements; final closure.
NAC 444.6665. Operating criteria: Program for detecting and preventing disposal of regulated hazardous waste and PCB wastes.
NAC 444.667. Operating criteria: Control of explosive gas.
NAC 444.6675. Operating criteria: Compliance with state implementation plan; open burning of certain solid wastes prohibited.
NAC 444.6678. Operating criteria: Vector control.
NAC 444.668. System to process waste: Hazards, nuisances and impairment of environment prohibited.
NAC 444.670. System to process waste: Compost plant.
NAC 444.672. System to process waste: Incineration.
NAC 444.674. System to process waste: Salvage yard.
NAC 444.676. System to process waste: Other methods.
NAC 444.6765. Closure of existing municipal solid waste landfill unit for failure to prove compliance with certain provisions.
Class I Sites
NAC 444.6769. Minimum requirements.
NAC 444.677. Application for permit to operate Class I site or lateral expansion thereof.
NAC 444.678. Location restrictions: Generally.
NAC 444.6783. Location restrictions: Airport safety.
NAC 444.6785. Location restrictions: Floodplains.
NAC 444.679. Location restrictions: Wetlands.
NAC 444.6791. Location restrictions: Fault areas.
NAC 444.6793. Location restrictions: Seismic impact zones.
NAC 444.6795. Location restrictions: Unstable areas.
NAC 444.680. Report of design.
NAC 444.681. Design criteria.
NAC 444.683. Plan for monitoring water; suspension of monitoring requirements.
NAC 444.6835. Schedule for compliance with monitoring requirements.
NAC 444.684. Plan for operating.
NAC 444.685. Financial assurance: Compliance mandatory; exemptions; waiver.
NAC 444.6851. Financial assurance: Estimate for cost of plan for closure; adjustments to estimate.
NAC 444.68515. Financial assurance: Estimate for cost of program for postclosure; adjustments to estimate.
NAC 444.6852. Financial assurance: Estimate for cost of plan for corrective action; adjustments to estimate.
NAC 444.68525. Financial assurance: Allowable mechanisms.
NAC 444.6853. Financial assurance: Trust fund.
NAC 444.68535. Financial assurance: Surety bond guaranteeing payment or performance.
NAC 444.6854. Financial assurance: Letter of credit.
NAC 444.6855. Financial assurance: Insurance.
NAC 444.6856. Financial assurance: Alternate mechanisms approved by solid waste management authority.
NAC 444.6857. Financial assurance: Assumption of responsibility by State.
NAC 444.6858. Financial assurance: Use of multiple mechanisms.
NAC 444.6859. Financial assurance: General requirements for all mechanisms.
NAC 444.686. Operation and maintenance.
NAC 444.688. Covering of compacted solid waste; continuous operation as alternative.
NAC 444.6885. System to control runon and runoff.
NAC 444.6887. Discharge of pollutants or contaminants into surface waters prohibited.
NAC 444.6891. Requirements for design and construction of system for final cover.
NAC 444.6892. Notice of intent to close; general requirements concerning closure.
NAC 444.6893. Requirements after closure of all municipal solid waste landfill units within Class I site.
NAC 444.6894. Program for postclosure for each municipal solid waste landfill unit within Class I site.
NAC 444.6895. Plan for final cover or closure of Class I site.
NAC 444.6896. Plan for postclosure; use of property during or after period of postclosure.
NAC 444.6897. Maintenance of plans for closure and postclosure in operating records of site.
NAC 444.690. Signs.
NAC 444.692. Disposal of liquids.
NAC 444.694. Putrescible wastes; vector control.
NAC 444.696. Control of erosion and dust.
NAC 444.698. Access; roads.
NAC 444.700. Facilities for personnel.
NAC 444.702. Miscellaneous requirements for operation; quarterly reports; topographic or other volumetric surveys and reports.
NAC 444.7025. Operating records required to be kept; notice to solid waste management authority.
Class II Sites
NAC 444.704. Minimum requirements; operating records; contamination of groundwater.
NAC 444.7045. Provisions for employees; compliance with certain provisions; deviations.
NAC 444.705. Application for permit to operate Class II site or lateral expansion thereof.
NAC 444.706. Location.
NAC 444.708. Report for design.
NAC 444.711. Required installation of certain systems.
NAC 444.712. Plan for operating.
NAC 444.714. Operation and maintenance.
NAC 444.716. Cover of solid wastes.
NAC 444.7175. Final cover and closure for certain sites; deviations.
NAC 444.718. Signs.
NAC 444.720. Disposal of special wastes.
NAC 444.722. Putrescible wastes; vector control.
NAC 444.724. Control of erosion and dust.
NAC 444.726. Roads.
NAC 444.728. Miscellaneous requirements for operation; semiannual reports; topographic or other volumetric surveys and reports.
Class III Sites
NAC 444.731. Minimum standards; reduction or waiver of requirements.
NAC 444.733. Application for permit to operate Class III site or lateral expansion thereof.
NAC 444.735. Location.
NAC 444.737. Plan to characterize solid waste.
NAC 444.739. Report for design.
NAC 444.741. Plan for monitoring water; suspension of monitoring requirements.
NAC 444.743. Final cover or closure; postclosure.
NAC 444.745. Control of erosion and dust.
NAC 444.747. Miscellaneous requirements; reports; records; notification.
Materials Recovery Facilities
NAC 444.7474. “Materials recovery facility” defined.
NAC 444.74743. Approval needed for operation; submission of application before construction begins.
NAC 444.74747. Application to operate; application to modify.
NAC 444.74751. Report of design.
NAC 444.74755. Plan for operating.
NAC 444.74759. Standards for design.
NAC 444.74763. Transfer, removal, recovery and storage of solid waste.
NAC 444.74767. Maintenance, availability and content of records; classification of certain information as trade secret; reporting of recycled materials.
NAC 444.74771. Closure of facility.
NAC 444.74775. Surety bond or other financial assurance required to cover cost of closure.
NAC 444.74779. Compliance with plans for design and operation; suspension or revocation of approval to operate.
Appeals and Requests for Variance
NAC 444.748. Petition for variance; appeals.
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
NAC 444.7481. Suspension and continuation of monitoring requirements.
NAC 444.7482. Alternative schedule for complying with monitoring requirements.
NAC 444.7483. Requirements concerning system for monitoring groundwater.
NAC 444.7484. Program for sampling and analysis.
NAC 444.7485. Statistical methods for evaluating data; performance standards.
NAC 444.7486. Determination of statistically significant increase over background values.
NAC 444.7487. Constituents required to be monitored; establishment of list of alternative parameters for inorganic materials.
NAC 444.7488. Program for detection monitoring.
NAC 444.7489. Procedures upon determination of statistically significant increase of Appendix I constituents or alternative parameters.
NAC 444.749. Program for assessment monitoring.
NAC 444.7491. Procedures upon determination of concentrations of Appendix II constituents.
NAC 444.7492. Establishment of standard for protection of groundwater.
NAC 444.7493. Assessment of corrective measures upon determination that level of any Appendix II constituent exceeds standard for protection of groundwater; public notice and comment.
NAC 444.7494. Selection and approval of remedy by solid waste management authority.
NAC 444.7495. Schedule for initiation and completion of remedial activities.
NAC 444.7496. Exemptions from requirement of remediation.
NAC 444.7497. Program for monitoring corrective action; performance of remedial activities; interim measures to protect public.
NAC 444.7498. Ineffectiveness of selected remedy; impracticability of currently available methods of remediation.
NAC 444.7499. Remedy deemed complete; certification of completion.