Nevada Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 6, 2015) |
Chapter444 Sanitation |
General Provisions |
NAC 444.570. Definitions. |
NAC 444.5701. “Active life” defined. |
NAC 444.5702. “Administrator” defined. |
NAC 444.5703. “Appendix I” defined. |
NAC 444.57035. “Appendix II” defined. |
NAC 444.5704. “Aquifer” defined. |
NAC 444.57048. “Cell” defined. |
NAC 444.5705. “Class I site” defined. |
NAC 444.571. “Class II site” defined. |
NAC 444.5715. “Class III site” defined. |
NAC 444.572. “Composting” defined. |
NAC 444.573. “Contaminant” defined. |
NAC 444.5735. “Cross-media” defined. |
NAC 444.574. “Disposal site” defined. |
NAC 444.576. “Division” defined. |
NAC 444.577. “Existing municipal solid waste landfill unit” defined. |
NAC 444.578. “Garbage” defined. |
NAC 444.5785. “Gas condensate” defined. |
NAC 444.579. “Groundwater” defined. |
NAC 444.580. “Hazardous waste” defined. |
NAC 444.581. “Household waste” defined. |
NAC 444.584. “Incinerator” defined. |
NAC 444.585. “Industrial solid waste” defined. |
NAC 444.587. “Lateral expansion” defined. |
NAC 444.5875. “Leachate” defined. |
NAC 444.588. “Lift” defined. |
NAC 444.589. “Medical waste” defined. |
NAC 444.591. “Municipal solid waste landfill unit” defined. |
NAC 444.592. “Municipality” defined. |
NAC 444.593. “New municipal solid waste landfill unit” defined. |
NAC 444.594. “Nuisance” defined. |
NAC 444.596. “Open burning” defined. |
NAC 444.598. “Open dump” defined. |
NAC 444.5985. “Operator” defined. |
NAC 444.599. “Owner” defined. |
NAC 444.600. “Pathological wastes” defined. |
NAC 444.602. “Percolation” defined. |
NAC 444.604. “Person” defined. |
NAC 444.605. “Pollutant” defined. |
NAC 444.6065. “Postclosure” defined. |
NAC 444.607. “Public waste storage bin facility” defined. |
NAC 444.608. “Putrescible” defined. |
NAC 444.609. “Qualified groundwater scientist” defined. |
NAC 444.610. “Refuse” defined. |
NAC 444.612. “Rubbish” defined. |
NAC 444.614. “Salvage yard” defined. |
NAC 444.616. “Salvaging” defined. |
NAC 444.620. “Scavenging” defined. |
NAC 444.622. “Solid waste” defined. |
NAC 444.624. “Solid waste management authority” defined. |
NAC 444.626. “Solid waste management system” defined. |
NAC 444.6265. “Surface impoundment” defined. |
NAC 444.628. “Transfer station” defined. |
NAC 444.629. “Uppermost aquifer” defined. |
NAC 444.630. “Vector” defined. |
NAC 444.631. “Waters of the State” defined. |
NAC 444.634. Severability. |
NAC 444.636. Adoption by reference of certain provisions of Code of Federal Regulations, United States Geological Survey and Environmental Protection Agency. |
NAC 444.638. Interpretation of provisions. |
NAC 444.639. Interrelation with other laws and regulations. |
Provisions Applicable to Solid Waste Management Systems |
NAC 444.640. Open burning; disposal of animal carcasses. |
NAC 444.6405. Permit to operate disposal site: Requirement; exemptions; application. |
NAC 444.6415. Permit to operate disposal site: Response to notice of intent to issue or deny application; request for public hearing; notice of public hearing. |
NAC 444.6419. Permit to operate disposal site: Response by solid waste management authority to written comments concerning proposed issuance or denial of permit; publication of written comments. |
NAC 444.6425. Permit to operate disposal site: Duties of solid waste management authority after period for public review; modification or placement of conditions based on public comments. |
NAC 444.643. Permit to operate disposal site: Issuance; revocation or suspension; requirements for transfer to subsequent owner or operator. |
NAC 444.6435. Permit to operate disposal site: Request for modification; conditions requiring public notice and review. |
NAC 444.644. Systems for solid waste. |
NAC 444.645. Program for quality assurance and control for construction of required liner system. |
NAC 444.646. Disposal of special wastes: Sewage sludge, septic tank pumpings and medical wastes; coverage of burial area. |
NAC 444.648. Disposal of special wastes: Waste tires. |
NAC 444.650. Disposal of special wastes: Waste oils. |
NAC 444.652. Disposal of special wastes: Construction and demolition wastes. |
NAC 444.654. Disposal of special wastes: Septic tank pumpings and raw sewage. |
NAC 444.656. Disposal of special wastes: Untreated sewage sludge. |
NAC 444.658. Plans to manage solid waste. |
NAC 444.660. Standards for storage, collection and transportation set by ordinances. |
NAC 444.662. Storage of solid wastes before collection. |
NAC 444.664. Collection and transportation of solid wastes. |
NAC 444.666. Transfer stations: Design and operating plans. |
NAC 444.6661. Transfer stations: Application to operate or modify. |
NAC 444.6662. Transfer stations: Contents of report concerning design. |
NAC 444.6663. Transfer stations: Requirements for operating plan. |
NAC 444.6664. Transfer stations: Construction. |
NAC 444.66645. Transfer stations: Handling and salvage of solid waste; maintenance of records; handling of asbestos; removal of remaining waste at final closure. |
NAC 444.66647. Public waste storage bin facility: Notification of establishment; general requirements; final closure. |
NAC 444.6665. Operating criteria: Program for detecting and preventing disposal of regulated hazardous waste and PCB wastes. |
NAC 444.667. Operating criteria: Control of explosive gas. |
NAC 444.6675. Operating criteria: Compliance with state implementation plan; open burning of certain solid wastes prohibited. |
NAC 444.6678. Operating criteria: Vector control. |
NAC 444.668. System to process waste: Hazards, nuisances and impairment of environment prohibited. |
NAC 444.670. System to process waste: Compost plant. |
NAC 444.672. System to process waste: Incineration. |
NAC 444.674. System to process waste: Salvage yard. |
NAC 444.676. System to process waste: Other methods. |
NAC 444.6765. Closure of existing municipal solid waste landfill unit for failure to prove compliance with certain provisions. |
Class I Sites |
NAC 444.6769. Minimum requirements. |
NAC 444.677. Application for permit to operate Class I site or lateral expansion thereof. |
NAC 444.678. Location restrictions: Generally. |
NAC 444.6783. Location restrictions: Airport safety. |
NAC 444.6785. Location restrictions: Floodplains. |
NAC 444.679. Location restrictions: Wetlands. |
NAC 444.6791. Location restrictions: Fault areas. |
NAC 444.6793. Location restrictions: Seismic impact zones. |
NAC 444.6795. Location restrictions: Unstable areas. |
NAC 444.680. Report of design. |
NAC 444.681. Design criteria. |
NAC 444.683. Plan for monitoring water; suspension of monitoring requirements. |
NAC 444.6835. Schedule for compliance with monitoring requirements. |
NAC 444.684. Plan for operating. |
NAC 444.685. Financial assurance: Compliance mandatory; exemptions; waiver. |
NAC 444.6851. Financial assurance: Estimate for cost of plan for closure; adjustments to estimate. |
NAC 444.68515. Financial assurance: Estimate for cost of program for postclosure; adjustments to estimate. |
NAC 444.6852. Financial assurance: Estimate for cost of plan for corrective action; adjustments to estimate. |
NAC 444.68525. Financial assurance: Allowable mechanisms. |
NAC 444.6853. Financial assurance: Trust fund. |
NAC 444.68535. Financial assurance: Surety bond guaranteeing payment or performance. |
NAC 444.6854. Financial assurance: Letter of credit. |
NAC 444.6855. Financial assurance: Insurance. |
NAC 444.6856. Financial assurance: Alternate mechanisms approved by solid waste management authority. |
NAC 444.6857. Financial assurance: Assumption of responsibility by State. |
NAC 444.6858. Financial assurance: Use of multiple mechanisms. |
NAC 444.6859. Financial assurance: General requirements for all mechanisms. |
NAC 444.686. Operation and maintenance. |
NAC 444.688. Covering of compacted solid waste; continuous operation as alternative. |
NAC 444.6885. System to control runon and runoff. |
NAC 444.6887. Discharge of pollutants or contaminants into surface waters prohibited. |
NAC 444.6891. Requirements for design and construction of system for final cover. |
NAC 444.6892. Notice of intent to close; general requirements concerning closure. |
NAC 444.6893. Requirements after closure of all municipal solid waste landfill units within Class I site. |
NAC 444.6894. Program for postclosure for each municipal solid waste landfill unit within Class I site. |
NAC 444.6895. Plan for final cover or closure of Class I site. |
NAC 444.6896. Plan for postclosure; use of property during or after period of postclosure. |
NAC 444.6897. Maintenance of plans for closure and postclosure in operating records of site. |
NAC 444.690. Signs. |
NAC 444.692. Disposal of liquids. |
NAC 444.694. Putrescible wastes; vector control. |
NAC 444.696. Control of erosion and dust. |
NAC 444.698. Access; roads. |
NAC 444.700. Facilities for personnel. |
NAC 444.702. Miscellaneous requirements for operation; quarterly reports; topographic or other volumetric surveys and reports. |
NAC 444.7025. Operating records required to be kept; notice to solid waste management authority. |
Class II Sites |
NAC 444.704. Minimum requirements; operating records; contamination of groundwater. |
NAC 444.7045. Provisions for employees; compliance with certain provisions; deviations. |
NAC 444.705. Application for permit to operate Class II site or lateral expansion thereof. |
NAC 444.706. Location. |
NAC 444.708. Report for design. |
NAC 444.711. Required installation of certain systems. |
NAC 444.712. Plan for operating. |
NAC 444.714. Operation and maintenance. |
NAC 444.716. Cover of solid wastes. |
NAC 444.7175. Final cover and closure for certain sites; deviations. |
NAC 444.718. Signs. |
NAC 444.720. Disposal of special wastes. |
NAC 444.722. Putrescible wastes; vector control. |
NAC 444.724. Control of erosion and dust. |
NAC 444.726. Roads. |
NAC 444.728. Miscellaneous requirements for operation; semiannual reports; topographic or other volumetric surveys and reports. |
Class III Sites |
NAC 444.731. Minimum standards; reduction or waiver of requirements. |
NAC 444.733. Application for permit to operate Class III site or lateral expansion thereof. |
NAC 444.735. Location. |
NAC 444.737. Plan to characterize solid waste. |
NAC 444.739. Report for design. |
NAC 444.741. Plan for monitoring water; suspension of monitoring requirements. |
NAC 444.743. Final cover or closure; postclosure. |
NAC 444.745. Control of erosion and dust. |
NAC 444.747. Miscellaneous requirements; reports; records; notification. |
Materials Recovery Facilities |
NAC 444.7474. “Materials recovery facility” defined. |
NAC 444.74743. Approval needed for operation; submission of application before construction begins. |
NAC 444.74747. Application to operate; application to modify. |
NAC 444.74751. Report of design. |
NAC 444.74755. Plan for operating. |
NAC 444.74759. Standards for design. |
NAC 444.74763. Transfer, removal, recovery and storage of solid waste. |
NAC 444.74767. Maintenance, availability and content of records; classification of certain information as trade secret; reporting of recycled materials. |
NAC 444.74771. Closure of facility. |
NAC 444.74775. Surety bond or other financial assurance required to cover cost of closure. |
NAC 444.74779. Compliance with plans for design and operation; suspension or revocation of approval to operate. |
Appeals and Requests for Variance |
NAC 444.748. Petition for variance; appeals. |
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action |
NAC 444.7481. Suspension and continuation of monitoring requirements. |
NAC 444.7482. Alternative schedule for complying with monitoring requirements. |
NAC 444.7483. Requirements concerning system for monitoring groundwater. |
NAC 444.7484. Program for sampling and analysis. |
NAC 444.7485. Statistical methods for evaluating data; performance standards. |
NAC 444.7486. Determination of statistically significant increase over background values. |
NAC 444.7487. Constituents required to be monitored; establishment of list of alternative parameters for inorganic materials. |
NAC 444.7488. Program for detection monitoring. |
NAC 444.7489. Procedures upon determination of statistically significant increase of Appendix I constituents or alternative parameters. |
NAC 444.749. Program for assessment monitoring. |
NAC 444.7491. Procedures upon determination of concentrations of Appendix II constituents. |
NAC 444.7492. Establishment of standard for protection of groundwater. |
NAC 444.7493. Assessment of corrective measures upon determination that level of any Appendix II constituent exceeds standard for protection of groundwater; public notice and comment. |
NAC 444.7494. Selection and approval of remedy by solid waste management authority. |
NAC 444.7495. Schedule for initiation and completion of remedial activities. |
NAC 444.7496. Exemptions from requirement of remediation. |
NAC 444.7497. Program for monitoring corrective action; performance of remedial activities; interim measures to protect public. |
NAC 444.7498. Ineffectiveness of selected remedy; impracticability of currently available methods of remediation. |
NAC 444.7499. Remedy deemed complete; certification of completion. |