General Provisions
NAC 704.953. Definitions.
NAC 704.9534. “Base tariff general rate” defined.
NAC 704.954. “Conservation” defined.
NAC 704.9541. “Conservation and energy efficiency plan” defined.
NAC 704.9543. “Customer class” defined.
NAC 704.9545. “Demand” defined.
NAC 704.95455. “Energy efficiency” defined.
NAC 704.95457. “Equity adder methodology” defined.
NAC 704.9555. “Forecast of base growth” defined.
NAC 704.9557. “Forecast period” defined.
NAC 704.9559. “Gas utility” defined.
NAC 704.9561. “Gas year” defined.
NAC 704.9562. “General revenue” defined.
NAC 704.9563. “General revenue decoupling methodology” defined.
NAC 704.9566. “Informational report” defined.
NAC 704.957. “Load management” defined.
NAC 704.9575. “Major facilities for the supply of gas” defined.
NAC 704.958. “Normal weather conditions” defined.
NAC 704.9587. “Sources of natural gas” defined.
NAC 704.959. “Storage facilities” defined.
NAC 704.9595. “Substantially accurate data” defined.
NAC 704.9596. “Substantive conservation and energy efficiency program” defined.
NAC 704.9597. “Total resource cost test” defined.
NAC 704.9598. “Tracking period” defined.
NAC 704.960. “Unaccounted for gas” defined.
NAC 704.9605. “Weather at maximum design conditions” defined.
NAC 704.9608. Adoption by reference of FERC Account No. 182.3 from Uniform System of Accounts of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Informational Reports
NAC 704.961. Submission of informational report and updates.
NAC 704.9615. Comprehensive summary of informational report.
NAC 704.963. Maps of major facilities for supply of gas and sources of natural gas.
NAC 704.964. Projection of future prices.
NAC 704.9645. Forecasts of sales volumes and annual peak demand.
NAC 704.9655. Forecast for base growth; assessments of base conservation; levels of energy savings or reduction in demand.
NAC 704.966. Information regarding major facilities; consideration of options for major facilities.
NAC 704.9665. Criteria for retirement of major facilities.
NAC 704.9675. Discussion of alternative strategies.
NAC 704.968. Plan for supply of gas; long-term arrangements for supply, storage and transportation of gas.
NAC 704.9687. Order accepting informational report or specifying inadequacies.
Conservation and Energy Efficiency Programs
NAC 704.9702. Purpose; applicability.
NAC 704.9704. Implementation of substantive programs using equity adder methodology for cost recovery.
NAC 704.9706. Conservation and energy efficiency plan: Submission; periodic filing; eligibility of programs to recover costs; order accepting plan or specifying inadequacies.
NAC 704.9708. Conservation and energy efficiency plan: Development and contents.
NAC 704.9712. Annual conservation and energy efficiency plan reports and analyses.
NAC 704.9714. Costs of implementing substantive programs: Accounting; recovery of costs.
NAC 704.9716. Use of general revenue decoupling methodology in lieu of equity adder methodology.
NAC 704.9718. Recovery or refund of deferred general revenue; general revenue decoupling adjustment rate.